I recently completed Deborah A. Cohen's book about breast cancer, and I was blown away. Ms. Cohen has made a very important contribution to the woman's health field while fighting her own battle with breast cancer. I thought the tone of the book was non-threatening and engaging, and the content helpful, interesting, and enpowering. I'd highly recommend this book to anyone who has breast cancer, has a family member or friend with breast cancer, or simply wants to better understand the breast cancer experience.
Of the many, many things I have read on this subject since my diagnosis and surgery last month, Just Get Me Through This is far and away the most helpful. It's warm and cheerful, and I wish I could buy a copy for every woman who's heard or is going to hear that gosh-awful c word.
I got my mother this book when she was first diagnosed and found it very helpful for both of us. The "Do's and Don'ts" section for friends and family is indeed very useful, as previous reviewers state. I suspect that little tips like how to avoid mouth sores when getting chemo (suck on ice!) are likely to be worth the price of the book. I also recommend the two books by John S. Link, which are slightly heavier reading but go into more technical detail on the very latest treatment options such as "dose-dense" regimes.